martes, 20 de julio de 2010

Let's go to a Restaurant

Hello everyone

Now that we already now some food items
it's time to go to a restaurant, here there is an slideshow that will help you to learn more food items such as fast food, healthy food, desserts, among others.


Let's go to a Restaurant

Check out this Slideshow Presentation about food'items!!

Let's go to a Restaurant

Time to practise!!!!!

I'm working on the activities, which are coming soon
so please keep learning the food items by looking at the slideshow above ;)

Let's go to a Restaurant

Modal Verbs!

"Would" and "Will"



1. What would you like to eat?

  • I would like a hamburger
  • I will have a hamburger

2. What kind of dressing would you like?

  • I would like Italian, please
  • I will have Italian please

3. What would you like to drink?

  • I would like a soda
  • I will have a soda

4. Would you like anything else?

  • Yes, please. I would like some water
  • No thank you that will be all

Let's go to a Restaurant

Time to Work!!!

Here there are exercises for you to practise the modals verbs "would" and "will"

Check them out!!!

Let's go to a Restaurant

Answer the following questions

If you were the customer.......
  1. What would you like to eat?
  2. What would you like to drink?
  3. What kind of salad would you choose?
  4. What kind of dessert would you like?

Let's go to a Restaurant


Work with a partner and create a very short dialogue similar to the one you read before. Then send it to me to check spelling and grammar, next class you will have to perform a role play in front of the class (customer and waiter/waitress)

My email

sábado, 17 de julio de 2010

Unit: Fruits and Vegetables

Watch the following video to learn some fruits and vegetables' names!!!!

Pay attention to pronunciation and spelling

Unit: Fruits and vegetables

Here there are some activities that will help you to learn the names of "fruits and vegetables"
and some others will help you to learn the use of the articles "a", "an" and "the"
Hope you enjoy them! ... if you have any doubt please write me an email : ----> my email

Click on the following links to see the activities

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Learning English


Hello everyone

Here you will find some information about family members and some interesting activities

Enjoy it!!!

Unit: My Family

How big is your family?

Do you live with your parents?

How many sisters and brothers do you have?

My First English Words, Family

Time to work!!

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Text: "John's Family"

Read the following text

Juan’s Family

Juan and his family are from a village in Elqui Valley. Juan’s eleven years old and his sister Lucia’s three years old. His father’s called Guillermo and his mother Cristina. His parents are farmers .His grandparents Ana Maria and Antonio live with the family.

His house is very small and isn’t very modern but it’s comfortable. It’s very hot in Elqui Valley in summer so Juan and his family grow grapes.

In summer, Juan helps his parents on the farm but in March he goes to school. His favourite sport is football and he plays it with his classmates at school. He also likes to play the recorder, he likes music.

Family tree